Kamis, 19 Februari 2009

I can't breathe

from Forever21

It's kinda weird to love such a lot of things but I don't know I will wear 'em where. I just love them that's all. I don't like heels but it's kinda breath taking to see a lot of chunky heels. these days maybe everyone's changing, and I'm improving heheh. don't really have a personal style, still absurd in my own style lately because everyone around me is look-alike! I think the girls here are influence each other, which is good.. but it makes you all look all the same! and now I'm confused try not look like her or her. I'm not a conservative woman in styling but I wanna own what's mine.. that's a good thing, rite? :D

1 komentar:

yudhisokasik mengatakan...

postingan2 mbak bagus ya, tp aku ora ngatri rek bahasane. kip ap de gut work